Medicare/MediCal Training / Resources

MHN appreciates your participation in MHN's provider network, serving Medicare/MediCal beneficiaries. Below are copies of the required training documents for all Medicare/MediCal participating providers. Please be sure to review the training documents and retain copies of this information for your records.

All Medicare participating providers:

Medicare Special Needs Plan (SNP) providers:

  • Special Needs Plan (SNP) Model of Care (PDF): This training provides a description of the SNP Model of Care. It identifies the Special Needs Population and network, qualifying medical conditions, care access and coordination of care components and the Quality Improvement process.

Cal MediConnect participating providers:

  • Cal MediConnect Program Overview (PDF): This document provides an overview of the Cal MediConnect demonstration, along with a description of the Model of Care, Pharmacy benefits, Cal MediConnect's Ombudsman Program, and Fraud, Waste, and Abuse reporting instructions.
  • Cal MediConnect Provider Manual (coming soon): This guide is an overview of the Cal MediConnect demonstration, and MHN policies and procedures related to this business. The manual includes information on billing, provider responsibilities, coordination with the county mental health departments, appeals and grievances, and a listing of important contact information.

All CalViva participating providers:

All Medicare/MediCal participating Providers:

All MediCal participating Providers:

  • Columbia SSRS: The Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS), the most evidence supported tool of its kind, is a simple series of questions that anyone can use anywhere in the world to prevent suicide.

We appreciate your services to our Medicare/MediCal members. If you have questions about the above materials, or need additional information, please contact MHN's Professional Relations Department at