Target Heart Rate

Enter your age to determine your target heart rate. 

1 to 6 years old

Your 10-second pulse count should be between 22 and 29 while exercising.


7 to 13 years old

Your 10-second pulse count should be between 21 and 28 while exercising.


14 to 21 years old

Your 10-second pulse count should be between 20 and 27 while exercising.


22 to 28 years old

Your 10-second pulse count should be between 19 and 26 while exercising.


29 to 36 years old

Your 10-second pulse count should be between 19 and 25 while exercising.


37 to 45 years old

Your 10-second pulse count should be between 18 and 24 while exercising.


46 to 55 years old

Your 10-second pulse count should be between 17 and 23 while exercising.


56 to 65 years old

Your 10-second pulse count should be between 16 and 22 while exercising.


66 to 75 years old

Your 10-second pulse count should be between 15 and 20 while exercising.


76 to 85 years old

Your 10-second pulse count should be between 14 and 19 while exercising.


86 to 95 years old

Your 10-second pulse count should be between 13 and 18 while exercising.


96 to 105 years old

Your 10-second pulse count should be between 12 and 16 while exercising.

Please enter a number between 1 and 105

About Target Heart Rate (THR)

Work your heart at a level that ensures safety and provides optimum benefits, such as increased endurance and weight loss. Your heart rate range should be between 60 and 80% of your maximum heart rate. The system has automatically calculated your estimated target heart rate (THR) zone using your age. Here's all you do:

  • To find your heart rate, use your two middle fingers to locate the pulse to the right or left of your Adam's apple.
  • Once you have found the pulse, press lightly and count the number of pulses in 10 seconds (or multiply by 6 to get a full minute
  • This number should fall between your estimated heart rate zone of 60 to 80% while exercising.
  • If you're a beginner, start at 60% to 70% of your THR.
  • If you have a special condition (such as pregnancy, heart problem, etc.) please ask your physician to calculate your THR.

(If you have a heart rate monitor, you will want to use the target heart rate measured in a full minute.)

To ensure safety and to provide optimum health benefits, you can modify your heart rate:

  • If your heart rate is lower than 60%, increase the level of intensity.
  • If your heart rate is higher than 80%, decrease the level of intensity.


The information presented here is intended as a general guide for healthy adults. The exercise intensity and duration that you select for your workouts should be based on your own fitness level and goals. As always, before beginning any exercise program check with your doctor first.

The articles and tools on this site are for informational and self-help purposes only. They should not be treated as a substitute for financial, medical, psychiatric, psychological or behavioral health care advice, or as a substitute for consultation with a qualified professional.